Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why do they remove ur toe nail paint when your in labor?

labor=giving birthWhy do they remove ur toe nail paint when your in labor?
In case anything goes wrong, in surgery you can't have it on.Why do they remove ur toe nail paint when your in labor?
With 3 c-sections, I never had my toenail polish removed; they used a pulse oximeter on my finger and I did not have polish on my fingernails.

We only request at least one finger without polish for the pulse oximeter.
so they can tell if your blood circulation is good or not. If your nails are not slightly pink, then your circulation is poor. Doctors want to know about that for whatever reason. They take off your fingernail polish, sometimes too. I have had several surgeries, but no babies, and they always tell me no nail polish.
to be able to assess the color of your nail beds. this is how they monitor your blood circulation to your lower extremities.
They didn't remove mine. They always say that you have to remove that stuff for surgery so maybe its if they have to do a c section
They didn't mine.
Never heard of that happening before! Sure didn't happen to me!
So they can see if your nail beds start to turn blue, because that would mean you are not getting enough oxygen...and neither is your baby!
its to check and make sure your getting enough oxygen, your nails and toenails will turn blue if there is a problem with circulation or oxygen
for your pulse oximetry I think.. The little thing they usually put on your finger..with the little red light.. Its not invasive and it doesnt hurt... I would think that they would put it on your finger.. but thats why, cause It cant get a reading through the polish...

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